Port Morant Distillery

Port Morant History

Continuing our journey through the rich rum heritage of Guyana, we now turn our focus to the legendary Port Morant Distillery, sometimes spelled Port Mourant. Known for its distinctive wooden double pot still, Port Morant has a storied history and produces some of the most robust and flavorful rums in the world.

Historical Background

The Port Mourant Estate is often cited as being established in 1732, but this date refers to the founding of the sugar plantation. The distillery itself likely followed later, probably around the 1820s. Located in the Demerara region, this estate quickly gained a reputation for its exceptional rums. The distillery's history is deeply intertwined with the legacy of the sugar plantations, which were the backbone of Guyana's economy during the colonial era. Port Morant ceased operations as an independent distillery in 1955, but its legacy continues through its iconic stills.

The Famous Wooden Double Pot Still

The heart of Port Morant's unique rum production lies in its wooden double pot still, one of the two remaining wooden pot stills still in operation today. This still is made from Greenheart wood, a durable and resistant material native to Guyana. The wooden construction imparts a distinctive character to the rum, contributing to its rich, fruity, and robust profile.

Demerara Distillers Limited benefits from being able to operate the last two original wooden pot stills in the world, often referred to by their old names - Demerara VAT Stills. These stills have been historically significant, originally used to produce the Demerara Navy Rums.

Maintaining and preserving these wooden pot stills is a highly demanding task. Demerara Distillers Limited excels in this regard, ensuring that the stills are meticulously cared for to keep the Port Morant legacy alive. 
Similarly, the original wooden pot still from Versailles, another long closed distillery, was moved from its original home at Versailles on the West Bank of the Demerara River, via Enmore and Uitvlugt, to its present home at Diamond. This Versailles still also continues to produce rum, preserving the traditional methods and unique flavors of Guyanese rum. We will explore more about the Versailles pot still in a future post.

Distinctive Rum Characteristics

Port Morant rums are renowned for their full-bodied and complex flavors. The unique wooden double pot still allows for a slower distillation process, resulting in a heavy-bodied rum with distinct woody and leathery notes, nuanced hints of fruits, and sweet aromatics. The particular fusel oils associated with this profile are isobutanol and isoamyl alcohol. This robust character adds depth and complexity to any blend, enhancing the overall richness and balance.

The Legacy Continues

Despite the changes in location and ownership, the legacy of Port Morant lives on through the rums it produces. The commitment to maintaining traditional methods while embracing modern innovations ensures that Port Morant rums continue to be celebrated worldwide.

Several well-known independent bottlers offer Port Morant rums, showcasing the distinctive character and rich heritage of this legendary distillery. Notable bottlers include:

These bottlers help keep the legacy of Port Morant alive, offering unique expressions that are highly sought after by rum enthusiasts and collectors.

Further Reading

For more in-depth information on Port Morant and other aspects of rum history, check out this insightful blog post by Matt Pietrek: The Demerara Distillers

If you prefer reading a real book we highly recommend the book "Modern Caribbean Rum", written by Matt and his spouse Carrie Smith.

Diamond also has published a great article about their stills.

For those interested in exploring and buying Port Morant rums, check out our auctions for the latest lots featuring these exceptional spirits.